While Night Follows Day – Marking Holocaust Day 2022

While night follows day

Echoes of wailing

Never-ending tears

Despair of the broken

Etched through the years


What hope for tomorrow

For those who were left

Cruel haunting memories

A future bereft


How can the sun rise

The days turn to nights

Spring become summer

And birds still take flight?


Through appetite stunted

Yet hunger still came

Music was written

And love felt again


We’re born to feel love

To feel hunger, to feel

And all that’s been suffered

Time slowly may heal


Though never forgotten

The years that have gone

While night follows day

Life has to go on

©Judy Karbritz

A poem written by Judy Karbritz and shared with Headstone Manor & Museum to remember those who survived the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. The theme for 2022 is, One Day. As stated on the official website for Holocaust Memorial Day, “We learn more about the past, we empathise with others today, and we take action for a better future.” – click here for more information and resources. 

Headstone Manor & Museum would like to thank Judy Karbritz for sharing her poem with us.  Judy Karbritz is ‘Harrow’s Community Poet’ and ‘Co-founder of the Jewish Poetry Society’. Email: jps.society@yahoo.com

Voices of Harrow